Heal Yourself: Herbs Say, “Help me, help you…”

None, there are no herbs that will change the behaviors that lead to these problems. Yes there are herbs that can help your body increase energy, there are herbs that your body to detox and others that soothe your gut and aid in digestion. It’s common now that people think that it’s fine to continue with unhealthy […]

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Expanding the Love Valentines Day

Ah yes Valentines Day, it’s rolling around yet again.  I read an article by the Love Project that asked “Should people Lose Friendships over Love?” And the writer promoted a balanced approach to love, pointing out some pitfalls when dealing with friends, and significant others, and has some good pointers. In light of the approaching […]

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Tridosha Basics of Ayurveda

In Ayurveda there are three humors that govern the body called Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. They describe the subtle energies behind our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. They also describe energies and states of nature, season, time, and separate the stages in life from birth to old age. The role of the doshas […]

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