Tips for Reiki Clients

5 Principals

If you are new to Reiki, curious about getting a treatment, or just want to know more here are some Tips.


Being in a more positive state of mind, feeling lighter, releasing stuck emotions, are all victories. Being patient with yourself, respecting where you are now, and allowing yourself to be open to love and forgiveness are crucial. Sometimes after one session you don’t notice much until days later and possibly longer. Sometimes there are immediate benefits. We are in a “I want it to happen now!” kind of space, but it’s just not an attitude that is conducive to healing.

If you don’t work much toward creating a lifestyle that promotes healing more than continuing to negatively impacting your health, then your expectations for how well a healing session will help you should be tempered. Reiki, massage, and dietary changes etc. will help you regardless, but we have to be realistic about how much we can get from patching band-aids over larger wounds so to speak.


Meals – Just like for a massage avoid eating a full meal for at least an hour before a Reiki treatment. Digestion uses energy, and takes work. The reason you come in is to relax and heal.

Diet – If you are on a cleanse or detox, even better, since you are clearing wastes and you may be more receptive of an energetic healing session. It is recommended that vegetarian meals even a day before or the day of the treatment to facilitate a more effective session. Always avoid processed (dead) foods, high amounts of sugars, sodium, and dyes. Look for organic and natural balanced meals. (Mung bean dhal, vegetable soup broth and nourishing healthy light meals that are easy to digest.)

Meat – If you cannot, or do not wish to avoid meat try eating small amounts of organic, free range, and clean wild fish (not catfish or “bottom feeding” seafood) or chicken the day of your session. Animal flesh uses more energy to digest than vegetables and fruit. Meat also energetically, can be more detrimental when not consciously raised and killed.

Alcohol – Do not come intoxicated. You will be turned away. It’s better even to avoid alcohol 24hrs before your treatment.  Also, alcohol is energetically messy, it can leave your field open to negative energies.

Punctuality – Be on time to your appointment (that’s 5 to 15 minutes early). On your first visit there may be paperwork to fill out. Be as relaxed as possible to reap the benefits of the session. Being late will likely cut into your session time since other clients may be scheduled after. You will likely still be charged you for the whole hour.

Mind/Body work out – If possible, meditate that day before your treatment or have a morning yoga session to enhance the benefits of the work. Listen to Mantras or meditation music. Train your mind to let go and learn to connect with the energies of nature and your spiritual aspect.




Clothes are kept on except for shoes and excess jackets, accessories, and jewelry removed.

Jewelry that is made of metal should be kept at home or removed before your treatment. Metals can interfere with energy flow so can synthetic materials such as polyester. Comfortable, natural fiber clothing that has not been treated with chemicals from organic cotton, hemp, linen, bamboo, is ideal, but don’t worry if you don’t have much natural clothing.

During a Reiki session the practitioner may, but does not have to touch you, merely having the hands over your body at the Chakra centers is enough.

Perfumes and Fragrances are best not worn. Many are filled with chemicals and other people may be allergic or sensitive.


Always communicate any discomfort. Let the practitioner know if something about the environment makes you uncomfortable like room temperature, volume of music, lighting etc. “I’m cold,” “It’s too warm,” “I don’t like the music.” Speak up! And ask about anything you are unsure of.

Let the practitioner know if you are comfortable with being touched or not, or if there are specific areas you want he or she to avoid.

Health History – Inform your practitioner if you’ve had any recent injuries, illnesses, or surgeries and if you are under the care of a doctor. A Reiki Practitioner cannot diagnose and treat illnesses, or give medical advise. If there is an emergency or some particular care to be taken they should be informed for these reasons.  Any reports of suicide attempts, thoughts of hurting others, or child abuse, must be reported to the proper authorities.

After a Reiki Session

Take your time when getting up you may feel deeply relaxed and sleepy, or energized. Get up slowly from the table or chair.

Do drink extra water after your treatment. Hydrating your body  allows for your body to cleanse and purify. Water is life! Bless it with prayer, mantras, or good thoughts and drink up!


Relaxation & Rest = Healing

Stress = Promotes Action

Chronic Stress = Deterioration of your health and vitality on all levels of mind, body, and spirit.

Tensing up and holding your breath promotes holding on to pain and negative energy. Deep breathing from the belly helps to push out blockages.

Reiki treatments become deeper with regular sessions, so it is recommended to have a couple treatments at least within a short amount of time. Learn to give yourself Reiki when not seeing another practitioner or make the conscious choice to meditate.

Healing is something that our bodies are born knowing how to do whether we are conscious of it or not. Much of it happens while we are sleeping and in meditative states. The Reiki practitioner’s role is to be a conduit for healing energy, to focus it.

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