Holistic Skincare & Lifestyle Coaching

Holistic Counseling

For anyone who desires a more chemical free lifestyle & healthier skin by addressing healing the whole person mind body and spirit. Detox diets and programs are very popular as people become more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. When on a detox program why continue to pollute your environment and external body with chemicals? Why do this at all?

The skin is our first line of defense for our immune system. It protects us from harm to keep infections away. The skin gives us our first lesson in having healthy boundaries. This is why I have taken a skin-centered approach to wellness. I use traditional methods to handcraft natural skincare products that offer gentle, non-toxic, herbal solutions for personal care.

However, it’s not only about what gets put on the skin. When the environment both external and internal and actions are healthy we get healthy.

Are you are looking for someone to:

  • Assist you in creating Green Cleaning Stations for your home and laundry based on your needs? Set you up with months worth of supplies?
  • Go shopping with you to become a more savvy Green, Natural, holistically conscious shopper and make more informed choices while saving you money?
  • Show you how to make your own DIY recipes at home for skin care, and cleaning?
  • Help you with some recipes, and modify recipes to eat for your constitution?
  • Set up an herbal first Aid cabinet/station or prepare a bulk stash of ghee, spice blends, homemade fermented vegetables, and other shelf stable foods for your home?


Customizable service packages include, Skype sessions, Home visits, Energy Balancing, custom skincare products and protocols, home/office detox assistance.

All Sessions whether in person, by phone, or Virtual by Skype are by appointment only. To inquire please contact me.


Interested in starting with a personalized Mini Holistic e-consultation instead?
Learn more, request a FREE pre e-consulation.

Holistic Counseling____________________________________________________________________